
Note:  Do not rely on this information. It is very old.


Eugene Francois, commonly known as Prince Eugene (1663-1736), a celebrated Austrian general and statesman, was born at Paris, his father being Eugene, Duke of Savoy, and his mother a niece of Cardinal Mazarin. He was intended for the Church, but his inclination was towards arms, and he applied in vain to Louis XIV. for his commission, his application being opposed by Louvois, who hated the family. He then entered the Austrian army, and for his good service against the Turks was made colonel. His conduct at the siege of Belgrade (1688) and at Mayence (1689) gained him still further promotion. When war broke out between France and Austria he was sent into Piedmont, and gained the rank of field-marshal; and at the end of the war went to Hungary as commanderin-chief against the Turks, whom he forced into the treaty of Carlowitz (1699). In the Spanish War of Succession he was commander-in-chief in Italy, and defeated Villeroi at Cremona in 1702. He then commanded the aimy in Germany, and as head of the Council of War co-operated with Marlborough in gaining the battle of Blenheim in 1704. In 1705 he was again commanding in Italy, and after losing a battle in which he was wounded, he drove the French out of that country. Entering France, he laid siege unsuccessfully to Toulon, and in 1708 and 1709 was engaged with Marlborough in the victories of Oudenarde and Malplaquet. The recall of Marlborough prevented his doing anything more decisive, and after the end of the war he was employed against the Turks, and took Belgrade in 1717 after gaining three victories. He then for 15 years of peace distinguished himself as a statesman, till fresh wars brought him into the field as head of the army of the Rhine, but he did nothing of importance, perhaps in consequence of his advanced age.