
Note:  Do not rely on this information. It is very old.

Barrington The Honorable Daines

Barrington, The Honorable Daines, fourth son of the foregoing, born in 1727, was educated at Oxford and called to the bar. He held a variety of appointments such as the secretaryship of Greenwich Hospital, a Welsh judgeship, and the office of Commissary-General of Gibraltar. In 1752 he prosecuted the famous Miss Blandy for her father's murder. He published in 1766 a valuable project for ridding the law of obsolete statutes, but his labours in popularising the idea of the discovery of the North-West Passage were more fruitful. Natural history, and especially ornithology, was a passion with him, and he wrote many detached papers and contributions to Philosophical Transactions, He died in the Temple in 1800.